On Air

On air activities


FOC members protect the future of the hobby by being active on a regular basis on as many bands as possible. As stated in its original aims, the club is all about promoting high standards of CW operating and an extensive on-air events programme reflects this.

Bill windle QSO Party

The Bill Windle QSO Party (BWQP), formerly known as the FOC QSO Party (FOCQP), is held twice a year and is open to all radio amateurs world-wide. It’s not a contest but, rather an activity day in memory of Bill Windle, G8VG (SK), a past Chairman of FOC who was very keen that we should be as active as possible on the bands.

Bug Day

Bug Day is an activity twice per year where the idea is to get on the air using those bug keys. It is open to FOC members and non-members.

FOC Marathon

The Marathon is is the club’s only scored operating event of the year. During this 48-hour members-only contest, stations try to contact each other on different bands and the competition includes open, restricted and QRP sections to cater for all types of operation.


FOC Old School Classic 1960s QSO Party is an on air event where the purpose is to turn the clocks back to what ham radio was like in the 1960s. To the extent possible, re-create the operating practices and gear used by amateurs before computers became a staple in most amateur stations, “contest” software became common, and DX Clusters were used for posting callsigns and frequencies of stations on the air anywhere in the world.


Memorial Day QSO Party (MDQP) is an activity providing participants with an opportunity to honour amateur radio operators who are now Silent Key. MDQP is being sponsored and managed by FOC and is open to all licensed amateurs: the idea is for each participant to honour a silent key. They might have a special memory to share, along with the callsign and name of one who went before us.

Activity Days

Every day should be an FOC activity day, however those of us who don’t get time during the  week can gather and make QSOs during Activity Days. We have also designated one day every other month as a ‘meeting point’ to encourage members to be active on all bands. If the bands are busy with a contest, then perhaps try the nearest WARC band, or 60m if available.  ( check Calendar for the dates )

QRS Days

Now and again, we should switch down a few gears and QSO with those operators who are not as fast at CW. Casual operators on the bands appreciate it when we slow down and work people at their own pace. This is a chance to encourage wider activity on the bands with everyone, including other members. Suggested maximum speed of 15wpm.  ( check Calendar for the dates )


FOC members tend to have a high profile in major expeditions and it’s a reasonable bet that at least one FOC member is on any major Dxpedition. They’ll be the ones working the CW pile-up as fast as they can go.

Frequencies  where FOC members are found.