callsign |
soapbox |
Its always nice to exchange a little banter with friends in this event. Tnx to all. |
Started early but the bands went dead with a solar flare. Came back on the radio and heard signals so I jumped in and made a few contacts. I need to plan for this one next time and participate more. Familiar calls as ALL I worked were CWOPS members too. I had a great time and will be back for the next event. |
I really enjoyed it today! Thanks for having the event! Propagation here in TX was good today. A lot of strong signals! |
AD5A |
Activity was good and the low bands were in decent shape on Friday night. I made QSO’s on 6 bands. Conditions to EU were not good on Saturday, but lots of stateside acivity until a flare mid-morning. Always a fund, laid back activity. Thanks for the QSO’s |
AE1T |
Never seem to have enough time on the BW weekends!!! Fun working many stations in difficult band cndx. 161 all de Peter, AE1T |
AE7I |
It was nice to hear crisp clean code. I wish that I had more time to participate, but it was a busy weekend. This was my first time in the event and I found it enjoyable. |
Hello from Kawaihae, Big Island! FT450d and 1 el quad, I stumbled across this randomly in the last few hours of the contest. A lot of fun! Had a friend over which added a lot of QRM. And then a huge gust of wind, bending over my antenna, so a mad rush to get it upright again. Worked quite a few familiar call signs! Aloha and 73 |
condx were very poor here but nevertheless enjoyed it again after I could not participate in spring this year. Thanks for organizing! |
Poor condx |
This was again a great event and had had lots of fun. 17 hours behind the radios was a bit long but payed off. The conditons were awful this time due to the unstable sun. Some US stations could be logged on 10m, however the signals were very very low. On the other bands the noise level was quite high and sometimes it was really hard to get all the details. Many Augies this time, but still lack a few. I will fish them, once they are on the air. All in all 422 QSOs were made in run mode and another 252 in S&P. See you soon on the air. 161, Armin, DK9PY -2126- |
The geomagnetic field was not with us. But I have enjoyed our party very much. |
Had a ball greeting friends both near and far. |
It was fun despite poor conditions and it is always great to promote CW on the bands. |
ops please listen carefully, my call is dl5cl, not dl5yl |
bad condx in September BQ-QSO Party |
I had a lot of fun again. My 10m contact with Raoul ZS1C was great too. |
My first tentative to the even and I really enjoyed the kindness and welcoming of all operators.. Keep the spirit up… |
Didn’t manage to get on for long and condx were awful but great fun and some vfb QSOs |
Lousy propagation due to an X-class flare. |
Enjoyable Party as usual, but not so good condx’s, especialy Saturday afternoon when Mr Sun started doing things it should’nt hi, 80m was a washout except for a CQ saturday evening brought up Axel & Armin and a few others, nothing on 19M. 15,20 & 40m were my main bands. do’nt think we have had a QP with condx’s so poor. but it nice to say Hi to everyone. 161 de Derrick G3LHJ |
Last QP March 23 I was in hospital operating theatre.. |
Could only manage a few hours on Saturday afternoon and early evening. Terrible conditions. Flat bands. Noise, QSB and auroral flutter. Hard going. Hoping for much better condx next time. |
limited time available and extremely bad condx. only Eu contacts |
Poor conditions |
Sadly only 3hrs 40 mins on the air – had to get to and from a lunch 250 miles away. Conditions weren’t great when I finally got back home. However, always fun! |
Recent Aurora made it difiicult to find US members on the higher bands. Great to meet old and new friends as always. |
Very enjoyable and good CW practice as a non-member, if not under best general band conditions (for me in EU) though 40m did perk up at the end with NA stations coming through very strongly. Was disappointing that 10m was a no show here. |
Limited time to be on the air but I enjoyed the time I had. |
Enjoyable event sadly band conditions were poor,however on the plus side good to see interest from outside the club, had some great QSO`s from non members. |
Rig FTDX-101MP running 200W to G5RV wire antenna. I dipped in and out during the day and had a great time working members and non-members alike. My key: Begali Sculpture and using external WinKeyer USB. |
A part time effort in very poor hf conditions! |
Sorry couldn’t be on for longer, but had to help my son sort out some electrics for his house! In any case, conditions were ‘less than optimal’, hi. |
Thanks for a great event, even though the conditions were sometimes terrible. I still enjoyed it very much, I am looking forward to the next event. |
I only have simple wire and verticle aerials. Conditions were extremely bad on all bands mots of the time. For example a few DLs were S9 on 15m no other DLs heard though they were spotted. |
Great conditions to start on 40m 0500z onwards. Strong USA East and West coast. Went rapidly downhill then. Higher bands awful. Later, 40m, again the band of choice. Only spent around 5 hours on and off in the chair but good fun in spite of dire conditions. |
Still running 5W and thanks to all those members who heard my QRP signal. |
After an emergency repair days before the BW ( Dry Joints to HT to PA ) to my Alpha 87a. First in 25 years Phew!!! it could have been EXPENSIVE. Sept 2024 BWQP started off very slowly for me. As I soon found out after a quick look at the SolarHam site where the solar indices were up in the RED regions. Not a hopeful sight. The bands went dead for a hour or two in the afternoon and never really recovered fully. Very few cross pond qso’s were made. I feel for those who live in far North/Southerly countries where Auroral conditions make life very difficult. Score was 211 with 157 member QSO’S. Equipment used : FTdx101MP into Alpha 87a amplifier. 800w out. Antenna’s: Cobwebb of dipoles for 20-15-10m at 40ft. Fan dipole for 80 and 40m at 50ft. Key used: Shurr Profi Paddle. Thanks to all who braved the conditions and patiently persisted in completing the often ESP contacts. 161 everyone. |
Usual great fun, but conditions could have been better! |
First time experiencing the QSO party and what a nice event, really love the personal touch to the QSOs. Will be on for longer next time. |
Just a token effort as we had visitors for the weekend so I could only occasionally pop into the shack for a few minutes operating!! |
The LF Bands started off early Saturday morning great, after 05.30z they nose dived and were very poor for us in the EU. After all the brilliant band conditions of the past few weeks it was a real shame it was so poor |
I was out most of Saturday, but managed 3 hours in the chair. Band conditions were very poor! |
Conditions very poor. |
Conditions dreadful! Had other commitments through the day and, after such poor conditions, I didn’t find the energy to go back on after “Last Night of the PROMS” |
Very limited operating time. Poor condx – only one QSO on 10m. |
Only able to be QRV for a few hours but very poor HF conditions this time. |
Not the best conditions but good fun all the same! |
Poor condx! |
While on holidays in France I participated with my remote CW station. |
Amazing event. First time participation. Many years waiting to be on air again and share with FOC friends. Enjoyed a lot. Worked with old fantastic IC 775DSP, Hex Bean, Dipole for 40 meters, Low Power. Thanks to all who answered my call. BW characteristic is always friendship. Hope to participate again. Long life to CW!!! Juan, HK3CQ |
I made few QSOs because my fourth nephew, 7 years old, had his birthday at home. |
Very hard band conditions, 6 hours of total operation, contacted also 3 non members in some bands. Hard, this time, but the fun is always there. 161 Carlo IK0YGJ |
always happy to have been able to contact many OM colleagues. Unfortunately due to family commitments (Grandson!!) I could not dedicate much time to the radio, in addition the propagation on the various bands at least here was not at all favorable. |
It’s always a pleasure to connect so many CW-Friends! Here FTDX5000MP + small stylus on the balcony of the 11th floor. 73 Giu |
This time, the high band condition from Japan was poor, and I could not do many QSOs with European members. |
Magnetic storm made us poor HF propagation which resulted in very weak or no spikes(signals) on the spectrum scope. It was very hard to find FOC members from Asia. |
Generally condx was poor. I sent out CQ BW several times late at night on JA hoping to get calls from early birds in USA, but no call is heard. RBN said the band was active on 40m though. I managed to get out some Qs to USA on 15m just around 2 hours before the party ended. I was relieved a little. |
K0TC |
Always enjoy getting on a working a lot of my friends. It’s a good time! |
Poor conditions made this one very challenging. Saturday I spent most of my time on 15m but the solar storm held down participation. Still, it was great to work friends I had not contacted in a while. Thanks to the organizers! |
K1ZZ |
Nice weather limited operating time but was on enough to put me over the top for this year’s All Band Challenge. |
I was out of town but managed to work the last hour of the event. As always this is one of my favorites due to the casual nature and the longer QSO’s. Was great to work old friends and a few new ones. |
K2NV |
It was a gorgeous weekend up on Lake Ontario. I managed to put in 6 1/2 hours. The Wifi at the yacht club was not good enough, so I used an LTE cell phone hot spot and ran remote. Latency was an issue at times and made S&P timing tricky. Thanks for the Q’s. I was torn, should we go sailing or sit at the dock working the BWQP? Well, sailing had to wait for Sunday. Thanks for the Q’s! |
K2SG |
Was able to spend 9 hrs on Saturday and had an enjoyable time until the solar flare turned the bands off. It didn?t last long but conditions were never very good. Had to dodge a few Florida Thunderstorms but that?s life in FL. Great to say hi to so many friends. 161, Tony K2SG |
K3IN |
I had a great time and am looking forward to doing the next FOC QC. many of the stations were familiar to me from the Wednesday CWTs. I worked a couple of my friends, too. This is not an event for low power; I was running my 400w maximum output and was getting trounced by the kilowatt stations. Still, I had a great time. Thanks and 73–Pete Young K3IN |
K3WW |
I attended a memorial service for my remote host, NE3F Friday and did not get back home until almost 0200 UTC. The station is going to be kept on the air for an undetermined time but has failing internet access. In the morning I operated from the station of another friend in NJ, so all QSOS after 0400 were from NJ. |
Fun despite only so so band conditions. Computer says 13 hours 43 minutes of operating time. QSOs by band: 80: 53. 40: 132. 20: 236. 15: 96. 10: 27. TS590SG and ACOM 1500. Could not run full power on 15M and even at lower power the RFI into the computer gave me fits. Ant was 127′ center fed zepp with open wire fed through a Palstar antenna tuner. Also had a 20M dipole, but the zepp always seemed the better antenna. Used the 40M dipole a little near the start, but the SWR was high and I couldn’t run full power. Think something happened to it in a storm Friday night. Will try to scope it out if we have sunshine Sunday. Don’t think I heard or worked anyone in Asia or any members in SA. Only AF was ZS1C on several bands. Thanks for all QSOs. No antenna for 160M. 161, John, K4BAI. |
K4GM |
Only a part timer but had fun! Thanks to all the FOC ops who worked me. |
Was able to make QSOs on all HF band except 160M. Money band was 20M. Thanks for all the FB FOC QSOs 73 Tom |
K4XU |
Got four new Augies. Now all re remaining are in Europe or VK. Not a good day to have a X4.5 flare. 161, Dick k4xu |
K5AX |
Well the band wasn’t the best but I did get to say hello to 85 members and 21 visiting CW enthusiasts. My time was limited by |
K5DU |
I was on only 20 and 15 meters S & P. Next time I’ll try calling CQ. I was pleased to hear some old friends. |
K5KG |
Great event with lots of activity, although Band condx were generally poor. Total time logged was 14:55 hrs. Late Saturday afternoon I shut down 24 mins for lightning. Other than that, I had appx 9 hrs of breaks. The most fun I had was moving FOC stns to other bands to collect mults. This was mostly moving stns from 20m to 15 and sometimes 10. I say sometimes 10 because 10 was marginal. Later on, I was able to move some stns from 20 to 40. Its great moving FOC ops because they “know code” and will QSY when asked, unlike CW contests where occasionally you get a “deer-in-headlights” stare when asked to QSY! Stn: K4D, KPA1500, Tribander @60′, tribander @30’fixed south, 2el 40 @75ft, wires on 80 & 160. 161 to all the great ops. Looking fwd to the March BQQP. George K5KG 2122 |
K5KV |
K5LY |
Worked several members for first time. |
K5NZ |
Very disappointed I was answering at 20wpm and not a single person slowed to my speed.. They are at 33+ and no interest in slowing down to bring new cw ops in.. no matter how much you advertise the fact! Poor form!! So I CQ’ed at 20wpm…. only 2 answered at my speed.. kudos to them.. the rest 30+… What a joke! |
Enjoyed lots of fun working both old friends and several new ones. |
K6AR |
High hopes for picking up Augies. No chance. Conditions didn’t make it possible. The non-members turned out. Added interest and kept the rate up. Even though no Augies this was a great BW connecting with friends on the air. |
I observed a sudden downturn in signals at 1432 GMT on 21 MHz and the activity didn’t pick up until approximately 1515 GMT. Did anyone take notes of the apparent solar flare? |
K6NA |
As many will note, conditions were highly variable due to effects of the X-class flare. There were periods of strong signals and good activity by North American ops, but also I experienced several complete blackouts to all parts of North America and indeed the entire globe. Overall, we had very few openings to Europe from W6 due to the disturbances. |
K7NJ |
Lots of fun. Lost my amplifier about six hours before the end, so operated low power with my K3. It worked remarkably well. |
K8PK |
Thanks for the QSOs, always the friendliest event of the year! |
Thank you for a great event! Only worked it for one hour but enjoyed working many fine cw ops. My station: Icom IC7300, 90 watts, |
KC3M |
Just wanted to say hello to a few of my CW friends. |
Thanks for letting me participate. |
A very pleasant event to roll into after the SST Open. Thanks for hosting! |
Thanks for the qsos. I really enjoyed this contest. There was activity whenever I got on the air, guys were friendly, and the pace was relaxed (even if code speeds were not!) I’ve been wanting opportunities to get practice running and this event gave me a chance to do that successfully! 73, Larry |
KF7E |
Other than the abysmal propagation, my activity was reduced due to XYL undergoing major medical attention in the hours before the BWQP that required my attention. But the challenges just made the QSOs I did make all the more rewarding. I never fail to find at least one ‘friend of long standing’ that I have not heard from in recent times. |
It was fun. |
KP3W |
The Radio Blackout mid day on Saturday was incredible. Conditions were mostly poor but they did not take away sharing with so many friends. 161 to all. |
KQ4E |
My first FOC contest! |
KR2H |
Thankfully, conditions were decent compared with recent solar flare activity and whatnot. This was an enjoyable event. First time reporting results, though my operating time was limited. 100 W and a wire. TNX for the QSOs and wishing 161 to all. Fred, KR2H (CWO #1449, ex-FOC #1355 under a previous call). |
KR2Q |
Seemed like pretty rough going for the first (large) portion of the activity. Noted that we had a X1.5 flare too (not good). After the flare calmed down a bit, things got better, but far from great. Despite everything, at the end, I felt like I still have fun! |
KV1I |
it was an enjoyable QP |
KW7Q |
I enjoyed the BW QSO party even though conditions were poor, especially from here in the western US to Europe. One highlight was Raoul, ZS1C answering my CQ’s on both 40 and 15 meters. The participation level by non-members was very good. |
KZ5D |
Very nice event. I was only able to get 6 1/2 hours op time due to other commitments. Wish I could have hung around longer. Thanks for all the fun! |
Conditions dropped to an all-time low. I was unable to hear any US stations on 20/15 or 10 meters. Fortunately, I managed to make a few contacts on 40 and 80 meters early in the morning. It was a nice BW QP. 73 de Lars, LB2TB. |
BW QP is a very nice event. Condx were challenging at best, but this shows us how fragile this hobby is: just a bit more energy coming from our sun and our beloved bands are shut off for good. I had planned a longer afternoon session, but since the bands were silent I went QRT to press apples for my first batch of cider. We should appreciate every minute of good prop, as nothing is granted. It was good to contact many fellows, and I also had a few nice chats. |
Was my first FOC QSO party I took part in as a member of the FOC. Was also my first attempt as a runner in a contest style event. I enjoyed the casual nature of the exchanges and the opportunity to have a short chat on many of the QSOs – much more interesting than the usual short exchanges of contests. |
Spent most of the day clearing 1 metre cubed of clay having installed the base for a new mast. Managed a bit of time just before bed. |
Lots of fun as usual. |
N2KW |
First 6 hours on 1824 KHz yielded 38 members. N2KW/M made another 20 after breakfast, then it got too hot for /m and I decided that the party would just fine without me. Conditions were awful! |
N3AM |
Got home from visiting family in Colorado and only had the last 2-1/2 hours to operate. Good to say hello to some old friends and some new members as well. |
N3RD |
X-class flares (multiple) spoiled conditions, so I spent a lot of time outside today. The weather was incredibly nice. Just 4 four hours in the chair, but they were fun hours. |
N3RS |
Conditions were very “challenging” at times, but overall it was a fun event. I had forgotten this was only a 24 hour event and didn’t manage my time well as a result. I only put in a bit less than half time. I should have stayed up longer on Friday evening to work more Europeans on 40 & 80 meters. I had some fun and may have picked up several new Windle points to boot. 161 de Sig, N3RS |
I really enjoyed it. Recognized alot of the calls and I was impressed that most all of the ops would say tnx,use my name and sometimes a real quick chat. Really enjoyed it,tnx for opening it up to non members Really enjoyed it 73 dave n4cwz |
Lots of fun doing “mostly bug” sending. Lousy condx Saturday afternoon here. Lots of fun working stations I don’t hear outside of this QSO party. |
N5AW |
129 members worked. Only 39 QSOs with Europe, none on ten and no UK stations on 15 (but 10 Germans!). 6 hours on the air. |
N5CW |
Lots of fun as usual. |
N5RZ |
Was able to put in just over 10 hours this time. Thanks to all for the QSOs. 161, Gator N5RZ #2138 |
N5XE |
Between lightning storms and a couple of power outages, I lost quite a bit of operating time. However, it was sure enjoyable to work lots of FOC guys. |
N5XZ |
Great fun part time. Rotor is broken so could not turn the SteppIR, but I could use the 180 and BI modes. Rig: K4D Amp: Alpha 78 Ant: 4-el SteppIR fixed at 66 deg S/W: N1MM+ (What else?) |
N6NT |
With the lousy conditions we had, this was not the right event for me to enter with nothing but wet noodles for antennas. |
N7SE |
As always, FOC activities are great. |
N7US |
Thanks again for allowing a non-member to participate. Most stations were ones I work all the time in CWops’ CWTs. |
NE5A |
The bands sure could have been better this weekend but who can predict or control that? Not me. Thanks for the fun and the qsos. |
As always a great time. Yes, the conditions were sub par due to solar storm but it was still lots of fun. |
Did enjoy the wide openings on 10 and 15 mtr, had a lot of fun to work many old friends on the band and even a couple of new stations. |
Uphill operation with poor condx & low power set up. BUT fun! Tnx fer QSOs u all. 161 Jouko |
I was glad to be able to attend briefly this weekend’s FOC QSO party. Used to enjoy the FOC camaraderie as a member – number 1319 – decades ago but had to bow out due to pressures of work at the office. Now as a retiree with all the time at my hands, would be great to be invited to rejoin the FOC brotherhood of CW aficionados. |
Horrible condx here. Worked only a handful of NA stations in the first, and last, hours on 40m. That’s it! On HF bands not a single NA station was heard at any time on any band. But: Still enjoyed very much meeting a lot of EU friends, old and new. Never mind Uncle Sol; QP is always great friendly fun. |
Tnx fer qsos. 73! |
Conditions were messed up after the 160 gigawatts of Aurora of the previous day, and there was a X4.4 flare at 1530Z. Nothing outside Europe workable except for ZD7BG… Cheers/73, Zaba OH1ZAA NP2ZA D4X |
terrible propagation |
Miserable conditions, no RNB spot outside the EU for 8 hours. |
OZ2A |
Very poor condx. |
Again enjoyed a few hours in this event. Condx not the best and the QRN was sometimes annouing. See all of you next time. 73 Jorgen OZ8AE |
As usual a nice event, with old and new cw-friends |
I wish every contest was like this. Just exchange a few words. |
PB2X/M |
It was great fun operating /mobile from a small village in the east of the netherlands. |
PC4E |
I worked only a couple of hours because of other commitments. Very bad conditions due to Solar eruptions. Used my new multiband inverted vee and I’m happy with it. Tnx for all the q’s hope to see you soon on the bands. 161, Hans PC4E |
R7KZ |
Good to see old friends! |
S57WJ |
I was QRV only on HF. I could not make any contact with US stations on 15 and 10m was completely dead at my end. |
SJ6R |
Casual operation a few hours from Jakarta via Swedish remote. Elecraft K3, Expert 1.3, Delta loop at 23 meters |
Thank you for all QSOs |
Very poor conditions, only in the evening 20m band was improved and managed to work some stations. 40m band very little improvement with too much noise.Not so fun as expected but always nice to chat with the members. |
Bands were noisy here, making it harder to hear you all. Hoping for better times during the next edition. |
Thanks! Condx not gud,sorry |
Clearly one of the worst propagation conditions in a long time, but it was the same for everyone. Thanks for hearing me. George VA2EBI |
My first FOC event since becoming a member. There was lots of activity. Had fun. Looking forward to the next one. Thanks to all for the Q’s. 161, Serge VA3SB |
Great to hear FOC members. Always fun! |
This is my first time participating in an FOC event. |
My favourite event was hampered by poor propagation as other have noted. Also, I developed a sever case of flu and had to visit the Emergency Department. I did not have much energy or time, but I hope the next one will be better. |
Conditions were dire !!! |
Poor band conditions in south east Australia except for the last three hours. |
Was scanning the band and heard VK5FOC (Graeme) calling “CQ BW”. Being curious, I Googled it and found my way here. Went back and answered Graeme’s CQ which was my one and only entry for the party. Now I know about FOC!! |
Despite the poor conditions, some good DX QSO’s with both members and non-members. I look forward to the next BWQP. |
VL6M |
Sadly I only had time for a short sortie onto 20m during the afternoon. All contacts S & P and all but one were with EU long path. Southern EU was strong, but northern EU very weak (incl. G) and flutter on Scandinavian stations. No state-side stations worked, but did hear a few very weak W’s worked by the eastern states VK’s. Thanks to all who managed to hear me. 161, Phil VL6M (VK6GX). |
W0UA |
Big local noise & disturbed band condx made for a challenging time–but no less fun… |
W0VX |
Conditions were very poor but still a fun evert and an opportunity to say hello to old friends. The usually loud European stations were weak and difficult to copy much less work. My low score doesn’t accurately represent the time and effort spent. |
W1FJ |
Always good to catch up with some old friends and work a few of the newer members |
W1RM |
I needed about 150 to finish my All Band Challenge and by 2320 I had 1007! |
W1UU |
While CONDX suffered a knockout, I was pleased with number of entrants both FOC as well as others interested in what FOC stands for. I love QRP (as in Marathon), I like running about 75 watts in the BW to my 43′ vertical. I missed about 3-4 that I called. I met the original G8VG many years ago, so the BW is a special remembrance in my “youth”. |
W2TB |
wow. The worst conditions for the BWQP. Ugh! |
W3SA |
It’s a nice relaxing event where you find many of your fellow CW operators, quite enjoyable |
My first event BW QSO Party as an FOC Member. So much fun, despite not-so-great conditions. I hope I was able to give some ops an Augie that was on their “wanted” list! 161, Cathy W4CMG |
I thoroughly enjoyed the BW. I had just finished construction and checkout of my QRP Labs QMX. This is the radio I used for the entire time and I was amazed at how well it worked. My best DX was VK2BJ. I also enjoyed several nice QSOs into EU. All with about 4.5 watts out and my dipole antenna farm. |
W4SV |
What a great event! Despite the X-class flare and lack of sleep, it was fantastic. Thanks to all the FOC members for allowing me to participate. Wanted to do better; but wait until next year! |
W5LA |
I noticed that many FOC members were CWops that I had worked many times. Lots of fun. |
Lots of fun, but severe line noise made things difficult. |
W8FJ |
In a word, the bands were “AWFUL” |
W9SN |
Fun QSO party. So nice to hear some that I’ve not QSO’ed in a year. 161 to all! |
After finishing 5 days of K4A 9-11 Honoring Our Heroes on thursday I was a bit worn out. I won’t even mention the terrible solar indices. 73 Good Afternoon BoB from Alabama |
Very enjoyable event, all great ops. |
Always enjoy these! Unfortunately this one was hampered by antenna problems which limited my airtime |
WD9F |
Really nice to exchange brief pleasantries with many ops. |
“Many thanks for another very enjoyable FOC QSO Party, and hearty welcomes to our newest members.” |
WO6W |
All exchanges sent with a bug… Breaking my attachment to N1MM+ function keys. Not a lot of time operating, but completely enjoyed the event. |
Enjoyed the short time that I was able to be on air for the FOC Qso Party. |