FOC Old School Classic 1960s QSO Party
Purpose: To turn the clocks back to what ham radio was like in the 1960s. To the extent possible, re-create the operating practices and gear used by amateurs before computers became a staple in most amateur stations, “contest” software became common, and DX Clusters were used for posting callsigns and frequencies of stations on the air anywhere in the world.
Participation: Open to all licensed amateurs
Date and Time: Last Saturday in June or first Saturday in July for 24 hours (00:00 to 23:59 UTC). Date adjusted to avoid conflict with ARRL Field Day and RAC Canada Day events.
Mode: CW Only
Call: “CQ OS” or “CQ OSQP”
Suggested CW Speed: 15-30 WPM with 30 WPM maximum speed
Bands: 160M, 80M, 40M, 20M, 15M, 10M and 6M bands only.
Operating Limitations:
- No use of a computer for sending Morse code from computer memory or receiving Morse code using decoders
- Paper logging is encouraged, but not required. Participants should copy and record the minimum exchange.
- No “contest” style logging programs, however a computer may be used for logging using non-contest logging software.
- No use of DX-clusters for spotting stations.
- Computer control of equipment, such as remote amplifier, remote station or antenna rotation and switching is OK.
- Mechanical keying is encouraged by not required. Paddle or keyboard keying is OK if keying is not from a memory keyer using stored messages or phrases.
- Vintage gear is encouraged, but not required. For this event, vintage gear is defined as transmitters, receivers or transceivers manufactured before 1970.
Entry Classifications and Station Class Designation Letter:
- Station Class First Letter
- “P” – Using paper logging
- “C” – Using computer logging
- Station Class Second Letter
- “V” – Using vintage gear (Pre-1970)
- “L” – Using late model gear (After 1970)
- “R” – Using remote gear
- Station Class Third Letter
- “M” – Using mechanical key
- “E” – Using electronic keying (Paddle / Key-Board)
Minimum Exchange: “Actual” RST, + three letter station class designation + year of first license + Name. (See Station Class Designation above).
Example: 569 PVM 1962 Don (569-paper log-vintage gear-mechanical key-licensed 1962-Don
Logging: Minimum requirements are date, time, frequency, call, RST, class, year of license and & name.
Scoring: One point per qualifying QSO. Stations may be worked once per band.
Multipliers: Add 5.0% of your base QSO count if using a paper logs.
Add 5.0% of your base QSO count if using vintage gear.
Add 5.0% of your base QSO count if using mechanical keying.
No compounding of multipliers.
Example: 100 QSOs in Class PVM: Score is 115 Points (100+5+5+5)
Scores to be rounded to the nearest whole number (integer). (No decimal places or fractions).
Submission: Honor system. Participants report total score and comments / suggestions to the Event Manager in the following format:
Your call, station class, total point count, total qualifying QSOs
Scores submitted Seven days after the Event date (in 2025 would be July 12, 2025)
Awards: Certificates to the highest score by an FOC Member and the highest score by a non-FOC Member from each continent.
Results: Published on the and other club websites (as allowed)
More Information: Contact Don, WB6BEE