FOC Code of Conduct

v2.1 December 2024

FOC expects high standards of its members. These standards are set in the Club’s Code of Conduct.

Members of FOC are expected to:

  1. Foster and encourage a high standard of operating and behaviour on the bands as adopted and published by FOC.
  2. Observe the license conditions and principles of band planning.
  3. Be considerate to other amateurs at all times, and in particular by:
    1. ensuring that the radiated signal conforms to a good technical standard.
    2. avoiding interfering with other band users by thoughtless tuning or using unnecessarily high power levels.
    3. recognising that it is inconsiderate to break into a contact unless there is a reason that is relevant to both participating stations, unless both stations are known to you for a roundtable QSO.
  4. By example, promote exemplary operating standards by:
    1. sending at a speed that is considerate of the other station’s ability.
    2. giving signal reports that are, where appropriate, honest.
    3. ensuring that a frequency is clear before transmitting – preferably by listening.
    4. at the end of a contact, moving away if it is not your frequency.
    5. in DX pileups, observing the calling instructions of the DX station, and never policing the frequency.
    6. if you are a DX Station, ensuring good management of your frequency by sending your own callsign at appropriate intervals, anonymous operating does nothing to control a pile-up or increase rates and leads to chaos.
    7. always remembering that many others may be listening to your contacts – refrain from bad language or derogatory comments.
    8. ensuring your CW is clean, well-formed and error-free, as much as possible. Regardless of what or how you key, the result should be First Class.
  5. Protect the future of the hobby by:
    1. being active on a regular basis on as many bands as possible.
    2. giving encouragement to newcomers. Be outgoing and seek out new CW operators and help them improve.
    3. supporting a national society.
    4. being a well-rounded radio amateur, participating in many aspects of amateur radio. CW operating is the core, but it need not be to the exclusion of other modes or activities.
  6. Show Respect and Courtesy for the Club and other Members by:
    1. giving back to the club when the call for help goes out, and you share your expertise when you can.
    2. always abiding with the Rules of Use for the FOC Reflector. Never use the FOC Reflector or other vehicles of communication to vent or complain. Never use the Reflector for subjects that are or could be controversial or offensive in nature.
    3. never bringing FOC or any of its members into disrepute, by word or deed. Every member of FOC represents FOC to the whole amateur radio community.
    4. maintaining a level of activity on multiple bands, including the WARC and higher frequency bands, that allows communication with international members.
    5. remembering that Contesting or DXing should never be to the exclusion of conversational CW with other members and non-members. Conversely, conversational CW should never preclude participation by members in Club sponsored events like Marathon and BWQP.
    6. being regularly active on CW on both high and low bands in such a manner as to be available for contacts with other members who may be pursuing various Club Awards.