East Africa FOC Dinner 2025
Friday 21st February, 2025
1800hrs Muthaiga Country Club, Nairobi, Kenya
1800hrs Muthaiga Country Club, Nairobi, Kenya
Andy 5Z4VJ is again organising the FOC Dinner and weekend in February in Nairobi.
Several members (from UK, EU and NA) are planning to attend, some combining the visit with a safari, beach holiday or a tour of Nairobi city and its national park.
More details and a suggested three day itinerary are available at:
It’s not too late to book! Please contact Andy, 5Z4VJ
East Africa FOC Dinner 2024
The inaugural East Africa FOC Dinner and get together took place in Nairobi, Kenya over the last weekend of February 2024.
The dinner was held at the prestigious Muthaiga Country Club following a tour of the premises by the club historian. A splendid four-course dinner was served and excellent presentations were given by Adrian on both Bouvet 3Y0Z and Swains W8S DXpeditions.
It is intended to run the East Africa dinner on an annual basis over the last weekend of February each year (21-23rd February 2025).