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FOC Activity Day

Every day should be an FOC activity day, however those of us who don’t get time during theweek can gather and make QSOs during Activity Days. We have also designated one day everyother month as a ‘meeting point’ to encourage members to be active on all bands. If the bandsare busy with a contest, then Read More


The EuCW cordially invites all radio amateurs and SWLs to take part in the annual EuCW QRS Activity Week. This is not a contest, on the contrary, it is an invitation to slow down CW speeds and to enjoy plenty of slow Morse activity for a period of five days. The dates selected are intended Read More


Now and again, we should switch down a few gears and QSO with those operators who are not as fast at CW. Casual operators on the bands appreciate it when we slow down and work people at their own pace. This is a chance to encourage wider activity on the bands with everyone,including other members. Read More

FOC Breakfast at Deyton Hamvention

Hope Hotel Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, OH, United States
Mark your calendars for Sunday, 19th May for the annual FOC Breakfast at Hamvention. This long standing tradition will again be at the Hope Hotel. The Hope Hotel is located next to Wright Patterson Air Force Base at Gate 12A. The breakfast meeting will be in the F-86 Sabre Room from 7:30 AM until about Read More

FOC Activity Day

Every day should be an FOC activity day, however those of us who don’t get time during theweek can gather and make QSOs during Activity Days. We have also designated one day everyother month as a ‘meeting point’ to encourage members to be active on all bands. If the bandsare busy with a contest, then Read More

North American CW Weekend 2024

The annual North American CW Weekend is on again this year – June 7- 9. This is open to any persons with an interest in CW (Morse Code) radio operation, but in particular to amateur radio operators with an interest in CW communication – FOC, CWOPS, SKCC, FISTS, and telegraphers from other communities. We look Read More

Harrogate Dinner

Cedar Court hotel Harrogate Park Parade, off Knaresborough Road, Harrogate, United Kingdom
The Northern Get-Together and Dinner is traditionally held on the 2nd full weekend of June. It is open to non-member guests and overseas visitors are especially welcome. Our 2024 event will, as usual, be at the delightful Cedar Court Hotel, in the pretty town of Harrogate, North Yorkshire. Our organiser this year is Paul, G4AFU. Read More

EUCW Str Key Day

The EUCW SKD is no contest. The goal is to give hams a pleasant opportunity to work CW-QSOs at a convenient speed using a hand key. The competition is to work the most beautiful CW ever heard. Read more here :

Bug Day

There has been continued interest in an activity twice per year (to run alongside the Mechanical Key Days) where the idea is to get on the air using those bug keys. It is open to both FOC members and non-members.  The exchange is expected to include, at the very least, a description of the bug Read More

FOC Activity Day

Every day should be an FOC activity day, however those of us who don’t get time during theweek can gather and make QSOs during Activity Days. We have also designated one day everyother month as a ‘meeting point’ to encourage members to be active on all bands. If the bandsare busy with a contest, then Read More
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