Announcement of Committee Vacancies by G4IIY, Committee Chairman

According to “Annex 3 of the FOC Constitution” I am formally announcing to the members that there will be two vacancies on the Committee to be filled at the AGM on 30th September 2023

Nominations for Committee membership should be sent to the Committee Secretary by email or by post to the address in the Yearbook to arrive before 14th August 2023

Committee meetings are usually held on the third Thursday of each month via Zoom at 1900 UTC lasting around one hour so please be sure you would be normally able to attend at that time if elected.

Note – any person wishing to stand may nominate themselves.

The list of candidates will be published in the September News Sheet and if an election is necessary the voting arrangements will also be given in that issue.


Awards announced at the 80th Anniversary Annual Dinner – Girton College

The following awards and speeches were made at the 80th Anniversary Dinner at Girton College on Saturday, 8th Semptember 2018. The Committee and Members of FOC wish to express their thanks and appreciation to each of the winners for their exceptional contributions to the Club, and to amateur radio.

The Unsung Hero Award 2018, Bob Nadolny WB2YQH

Presented by Michael, G7VJR

The people behind the counter at the post office in West Seneca, New York have gotten to know this year’s winner very well over the past six years. It was six years ago that he suggested that FOC could save some money if mailings of FOCUS going to the Americas were posted from the United States, rather than England.

The Committee agreed, and since 2012 our printer has shipped the copies of FOCUS that are going to members on the far side of “the pond” to him.

He, in turn, stuffs them into mailing envelopes, prints and attaches address labels, stamps the envelopes and then hauls them to the P.O. each quarter.  Though the number of copies being mailed dropped to around 160 when we began sending out email links to FOCUS, at one time he was handling over 200 copies for each mailing. At the end of each year the job is harder still – he merges the Yearbook, an optional FOCUS, News Sheet, and Tick Sheets into the envelopes and mails them out.

As Membership Secretary N4TY puts it “it’s a thankless, paper-cut job.”  And it’s saved the club thousands of dollars…even more if you’re counting in pounds.

There’s no doubt that Bob Nadolny, WB2YQH, is one of FOC’s unsung heroes, and we’re pleased to formally recognize that this year.

The G3FXB Al Slater Memorial Award, Nigel Cawthorne G3TXF

Presented by Andy, G3AB

The Al Slater G3FXB Memorial Award is FOC’s highest accolade. It is one of the most prestigious awards in amateur radio. The award is presented once a year to an individual, group or society that has, in the judgement of the Committee, made an outstanding contribution to the hobby that reflects the attitudes and approach of Al Slater. The winner should show exemplary and considerate operating standards and offer a high level of encouragement, friendship and support given to other amateurs, especially newcomers.

•       This year’s winner is known for his life-long dedication to travel and DXing.

•       His demeanour is always under-stated. He gets on with the job, not seeking accolades. He is a stellar example of how to motivate others merely by setting examples.

•       His QSLing philosophy is selfless and considerate, and his more recent whole-hearted support of OQRS and LoTW is a matter of record.

•       At the core of his positive outlook and model behaviour on the bands is his desire to provide service to his fellow radio amateurs. There is no better example of the true ham-spirit!

Roger, G3SXW sent these additional comments:

“In 1969 he set up a trip to Tunisia, operating as 3V8NC. Then in the early 1980s he master-minded CQWW CW entries from the Channel Islands each year. We were always Multi-Operator, Single Transmitter, never winning but building a great deal of DXpedition experience in the process. Professionally, after his early years helping to install TV transmitters he went on to build a successful business dealing with marketing data about the mobile telephone industry, which he identified as a major development and business opportunity.”

In total he has stepped foot in an extraordinary 180 DXCC countries – and operated in 109 of them. No doubt most of us present tonight have already guessed, from the unique story of this year’s winner, that we are speaking about FOC member number 1266. 

It is FOC’s great pleasure to present the 2018 G3FXB Award to Nigel Cawthorne, G3TXF.

Vice President and Honourary Vice-President, Robert Ferguson GM3YTS and Sheree Ferguson

Presented by Andy, G3AB

The Vice Presidency is awarded to recognise long service in senior positions. It reflects contributions made that are over and above general committee membership and activities.

The FOC Constitution says this position can be awarded to a member who has given exemplary service to the club.

Well our new Vice President has certainly done that and much more. Having served as a very capable Chairman from 2011-2016 and as President in 1992-93 at a very difficult time for the club following the sad loss of Al Slater.

In addition to announcing a new Vice President, I’m also pleased to announce the revival of the tradition of making wives Honorary Vice Presidents.

I’d like to welcome Rob Ferguson GM3YTS as Vice President and his lovely wife, Sheree as Hon. Vice President of FOC.

President’s Address by Andy, G3AB

I’m very proud and honoured to have been nominated as FOC President for the coming year. And to receive this great honour at the club’s 80th annual dinner at this wonderful venue makes it extra special.

It’s great to see such a fabulous turn out this evening. To see so many friends – old and new. And Special thanks to our overseas members who have travelled so far to be here to support this historic occasion.

I’d like to pay tribute to Bob, MD0CCE who has done such a sterling job over the last two years as President. During his term he has travelled the globe attending FOC events and meeting members across the UK, North America and as far away as New Zealand. In addition to supporting the social side of FOC, Bob also set a superb example by being very active on the CW bands.

This leads me on to one of two themes that I’d like to promote this evening. The first one being activity.

Without CW Activity this club ceases to exist, it is our core function! Whether that activity be DXing, Ragchewing, Contesting, QRP or Straight key activity. It doesn’t matter – What does matter is Quality Operating. When I first joined FOC, the bands were alive with CW.  FOC Members were chatting, swapping stories & exchanging news – Today much of this communication has moved to e-mail and online.

My appeal is “Please make time to be active on the air”.

These diverse strands of activity bring me to my second theme. Tolerance.

It’s inevitable that different niche interests result in debates and sometimes disagreements. My appeal here is to  “live and let live”

Yes – we have our differences but we are so much stronger when we stand together. So please put your efforts into promoting whatever your particular passion is, within the world of CW.

FOC and CW in general face a potentially challenging future. We need to ensure that we remain active to inspire, nurture and encourage the CW operators and FOC Members of tomorrow.

I’m sure that all of us wish to see The First Class CW Operators’ Club both vibrant and thriving in its centenary year – 20 years from now!  As members, “Please do your bit”!

I look forward to seeing you at FOC events over the coming year and more importantly – on the air!

Last modified: 09 Sep 2018 11:36 | Mike Wells (Administrator)

Announcement of Committee Vacancies by G4IIY, Committee Chairman

According to “Annex 3 of the FOC Constitution” I am formally announcing to the members that there will be one vacancy on the Committee to be filled at the AGM in June 2022.

Nominations for Committee membership should be sent to the Committee Secretary by email <> or by post to the address in the Yearbook to arrive before 26th May 2022.

Committee meetings are usually held on the last Thursday of each month via Skype at 1900 UTC lasting around one hour so please be sure you would be normally able to attend at that time if elected.

(Note – any person wishing to stand may nominate themselves).

The list of candidates will be published in the June News Sheet and if an election is necessary the voting arrangements will also be given in that issue.