About FOC

The First Class CW Operators’ Club (usually known by the abbreviation FOC) is an organisation that promotes first class operating rather than a body that recognises first class operators. It is an organised effort to demonstrate that which is good for all by example. FOC means more than a clean CW operator capable of transmitting 60 wpm. FOC means a clean signal, willingness to QRS for the struggling beginner, a helping hand for the aspirant down the street, a feeling of oneness with all who would like to see the level of amateur radio rise. FOC is not an award, it is a goal.

The FOC Club was founded by Bob Webster, G5BW, and John Hunter, G2ZQ, in 1938. Today, there are members in over 50 countries. The Club HQ remains in the UK and an eight member committee runs the organisation. As stated in its original aims, the club is all about promoting high standards of CW operating and an extensive on-air events programme reflects this. Membership is by invitation only.

Many FOC members are prominent in the world of DXpeditions and amateur radio contesting, or are known for their skill in chasing DX. Members must be able to operate Morse code at not less than 25 words per minute. The Club has an active social programme and many members engage in extensive travel to meet other members in person.

  • foster and encourage a high standard of CW operating ability and behaviour on the amateur bands
  • observe the licence conditions and principles of band planning
  • be considerate to other amateurs at all times
  • protect the future of the hobby through being active, encouraging newcomers and supporting a national society

❖ FOC Code of Conduct

❖ Club officers

❖ Current FOC Members

❖ Social Events

 FOC On Air Activities

❖ Frequencies

❖ FAQs