Becoming a member

FOC members aim to….

  • Foster and encourage a high standard of CW operating ability and behaviour on the amateur bands.
  • Observe the licence conditions and principles of band planning.
  • Be considerate to other amateurs at all times.
  • Protect the future of the hobby through being active, encouraging newcomers and supporting a national society.

If you have a genuine love of CW, can operate at a minimum speed of 25 wpm and enjoy socialising with others of like interest then FOC could be just right for you. It takes some work to join, however. It’s not simply a matter of filling in a form and sending off a cheque.

First, someone must nominate you – based on their experience of working you on CW on at least two bands within the last year and your sponsor’s belief that you will live up to the aims of the club that are listed above. While you may feel free to ask members for information about the club, actually asking to be nominated is considered soliciting and violates club rules.

Once you have been nominated, and you accept, you are added to the Nominations List, which means that all FOC members know you are seeking further sponsorship.

You must then receive sponsorships from four more members within the next six months. Sponsors must come from at least two continents, with no more than three of the five from any one continent, and at least one must be from the UK. All sponsors must have a CW QSO with you on at least two bands.

In recent years, just over half of those nominated have gone on to attain membership. If you are active on the bands, particularly around 25kHz up from the band edge (10120 to 10125, 18080 to 18085 and 24905 to 24910kHz in the WARC bands, 5373 on 60m and 50095 on 6m), you will often find FOC members and, if you can hold a QSO at 25 WPM or so without your CW falling apart, you will find members willing to sponsor you.