Memorial Day QSO Party

Memorial Day QSO Party (MDQP) is an activity providing participants with an opportunity to honour amateur radio operators who are now Silent Key.

MDQP is being sponsored and managed by FOC and is open to all licensed amateurs: the idea is for each participant to honour a silent key. They might have a special memory to share, along with the callsign and name of one who went before us.

MDQP begins at 09:00 UTC on 1. November 2024, ending at 08:59 UTC on 2. November 2024.
Certificates will be available for all participants submitting an ADIF log and there will be awards for the highest number of QSOs made, the runner-up with the second highest number of QSOs and the participant sharing the most highly-regarded detail about their chosen Silent Key.

  • Of course, this is a CW- only event (suggested CW Speed is 15 up to 30 WPM).
  • At a minimum, each exchange must include RST, QTH and name of operator, together with the callsign of the Silent Key being honoured; additionally, sharing the name and at least one item of interest about the SK operator is encouraged. A participant may honour more than a single SK but only one SK call per band.
  • QSOs may be on the 6, 10, 15, 20, 40, 80, and 160 meter bands only. MDQP QSOs are not permitted on WARC bands (30m, 17m, 12m) or 60m. Stations may be worked once per band.
  • There are two sections, Single Operator Low Power (SOLP) using 100 Watts or less and Single Operator High Power (SOHP) running more than 100 Watts up to their local legal limit.

For more information on the event contact IZ2FME at, or at