FOC Old School Classic 1960s QSO Party

FOC Old School Classic 1960s QSO Party


Purpose: To turn the clocks back to what ham radio was like in the 1960s. To the extent possible, re-create the operating practices and gear used by amateurs before computers became a staple in most amateur stations, “contest” software became common, and DX Clusters were used for posting callsigns and frequencies of stations on the air anywhere in the world.

Participation: Open to all licensed amateurs

Date and Time: Last Saturday in June or first Saturday in July for 24 hours (00:00 to 23:59 UTC). Date adjusted to avoid conflict with ARRL Field Day and RAC Canada Day events.

Mode: CW Only

Call: “CQ OS” or “CQ OSQP”

Suggested CW Speed: 15-30 WPM with 30 WPM maximum speed

Bands: 160M, 80M, 40M, 20M, 15M, 10M and 6M bands only.

Operating Limitations:

  1. No use of a computer for sending Morse code from computer memory or receiving Morse code using decoders
  2. Paper logging is encouraged, but not required. Participants should copy and record the minimum exchange.
  3. No “contest” style logging programs, however a computer may be used for logging using non-contest logging software.
  4. No use of DX-clusters for spotting stations.
  5. Computer control of equipment, such as remote amplifier, remote station or antenna rotation and switching is OK.
  6. Mechanical keying is encouraged by not required. Paddle or keyboard keying is OK if keying is not from a memory keyer using stored messages or phrases.
  7. Vintage gear is encouraged, but not required. For this event, vintage gear is defined as transmitters, receivers or transceivers manufactured before 1970.

Entry Classifications and Station Class Designation Letter:

  • Station Class First Letter
    • “P” – Using paper logging
    • “C” – Using computer logging
  • Station Class Second Letter
    • “V” – Using vintage gear (Pre-1970)
    • “L” – Using late model gear (After 1970)
    • “R” – Using remote gear
  • Station Class Third Letter
    • “M” – Using mechanical key
    • “E” – Using electronic keying (Paddle / Key-Board)

Minimum Exchange: “Actual” RST, + three letter station class designation + year of first license + Name. (See Station Class Designation above).

Example: 569 PVM 1962 Don (569-paper log-vintage gear-mechanical key-licensed 1962-Don

Logging: Minimum requirements are date, time, frequency, call, RST, class, year of license and & name.

Scoring: One point per qualifying QSO. Stations may be worked once per band.

Multipliers: Add 5.0% of your base QSO count if using a paper logs.

Add 5.0% of your base QSO count if using vintage gear.

Add 5.0% of your base QSO count if using mechanical keying.

No compounding of multipliers.

Example: 100 QSOs in Class PVM: Score is 115 Points (100+5+5+5)

Submission: Honor system. Participants report total score and comments / suggestions to the Event Manager in the following format:

Your call, station class, total point count, total qualifying QSOs

Awards: Certificates to the highest score by an FOC Member and the highest score by a non-FOC Member from each continent.

Results: Published on the and other club websites (as allowed)

More Information: Contact Don, WB6BEE