Promoting high standards of CW operating and protecting the future of the hobby since 1938.
About FOC
FOC is an organisation that promotes first class operating rather than a body that recognises first class operators. It is an organised effort to demonstrate that which is good for all by example. FOC means a clean signal, willingness to QRS for the struggling beginner, a helping hand for the aspirant down the street, a feeling of oneness with all who would like to see the level of amateur radio rise. FOC is not an award, it is a goal. The FOC Club was founded by Bob Webster, G5BW, and John Hunter, G2ZQ, in 1938. Today, there are members in over 50 countries. As stated in its original aims, the club is all about promoting high standards of CW operating and an extensive on-air events programme reflects this.
On Air Activity
The Bill Windle QSO party (BWQP), formerly known as the FOC QSO Party (FOCQP), is held twice a year and is open to all radio amateurs world-wide. It’s not a contest but, rather an activity day in memory of Bill Windle, G8VG (SK), a past Chairman of FOC who was very keen that we should be as active as possible on the bands. Bug Day is an activity twice per year where the idea is to get on the air using those bug keys. It is open to both FOC members and non-members. Many FOC members are prominent in the world of DXpeditions and amateur radio contesting, or are known for their skill in chasing DX.
The Al Slater G3FXB Memorial Award is FOC’s highest accolade. It is one of the most prestigious awards in amateur radio. The award is presented once a year to an individual, group or society that has, in the judgement of the Committee, made an outstanding contribution to the hobby that reflects the attitudes and approach of Al Slater. This came from exemplary and considerate operating standards and a high level of encouragement, friendship and support given to other amateurs, especially newcomers. Al’s whole approach to amateur radio, indeed to many aspects of life itself, was something that others appreciate, look up to and seek to emulate.
The social side of FOC is very active too. The Club holds a wide range of social gatherings throughout the year, in many different countries and many members engage in extensive travel to meet other members in person.
That makes it unique among amateur radio clubs. Events are open to Non-Members by invitation only.
FOC Members aim to..
Foster and encourage a high standard of CW operating ability and behavior on the amateur bands. Observe the license conditions and principles of band planning. Be considered to other amateurs at all times. Protect the future of the hobby through being active, encouraging newcomers and supporting a national society.
Becoming a member
FOC membership is open to all licensed radio amateurs who support the Aims of the Club: Fostering and encouraging a high standard of CW operating ability and behaviour and encouraging a high level of CW activity on the air. Members must be able to operate at a speed of not less than 25 WPM and be able to operate on several LF/HF bands. You cannot apply for FOC membership: it is only earned by recommendation by other members.