Bob Allphin, Jr , K4UEE

FOC# 1759, SK Date : February 10, 2024

Tribute to Bob Allphin, Jr., K4UEE

By Steve Ireland, VK6VZ

I was lucky enough to meet Bob Allphin, K4UEE on a couple of occasions en route, via Western Australia, to remote and dangerous places. The picture shows Bob at a barbecue near Perth held in honour of the operators of the 2014 FT5ZM DXpedition to Amsterdam Island which he led.

Owing to Perth/Fremantle being a popular arrival/departure point for sub-Antarctic DXpeditions, over the last 35 years I’ve had the privilege to meet a number of famous radio expedition leaders, but Bob was one of kind. 

His humility, humour, leadership and radio skills were simply unmatched. 

We had many contacts together from all over the world and I shall miss him greatly. RIP Bob.

From The Daily DX:

“Bob Allphin, K4UEE, of Marietta GA passed away peacefully at home this morning with his family by his side after a prolonged illness.   Bob had participated in, led, or co-led DXpeditions to ELEVEN of the DXCC “top 10 most wanted, and co-led the HK0NA DXPedition that a new World Record for QSOs for non-hotel, non fly-in DXpedition. Bob has participated in ten MAJOR DXpeditions that have made over 1.25 million QSOs. He has ELEVEN “DXpedition of the Year” plaques hanging on his wall.  He was active contester and has participated in 38 contest DXpeditions. From the mid-80s through the early 2000s, Bob set five single operator/single band World Records and was a competitor in two World Radio Team Championships (WRTC) events in 1996 and 2000.  Bob is a member of the CQ DX Hall of Fame, Board of Directors of INDEXA, current President of The KP1-5 Project, and former Chairman of the ARRL DX Advisory Committee (DXAC).  He is a member of the VooDoo Contest Group, FOC (First Class Operator Club), A-1 Operators Club, the Southeastern DX Club Hall of Fame.  “


Bob joined FOC in September 2001.  He represented FOC well, and we are less for his passing.


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