The Unsung Hero Award

The Unsung Hero Award is FOC’s way of acknowledging long and selfless service to the club.

A member who commits their time and expertise to FOC might not be recognised widely for their contribution at the time, perhaps because such efforts are given so modestly, and often over a considerable period of time. Without their generosity, though, an absence would soon be felt.

FOC proudly celebrates exceptional service and dedication by such members with this prestigious annual award.


The Committee accepts nominations by email to the Chairman at any time. The Committee votes for a member who is deserving of this award once a year.

Presentation of the Unsung Hero Award

An officer of the club presents the Unsung Hero Award at the AGM and Annual Dinner. The winner is announced on the night.

Past Recipients

G3LHJDerrick Webber, for his work over many years in mailing out Focus and the Callbook
2014KZ5DJoseph "Art" Suberbielle, Jr, for his BW QSO party idea and his unstinting work in support of FOC
2015W4PMHoward "Puck" Motley, for work with the Windle programme
2016S57WJGabor Szekeres, for his dedication in editing and producing FOCUS and the FOC News Sheets
2017DJ1YFKFabian Kurz, for his ceaseless commitment to CW and the Club, and for his powerful RBN tools and cluster facilities.
2018WB2YQHBob Nadolny, for his management of US mailings and efforts coordinating and contributing his time to help with FOCUS, the News Sheets and Yearbook
2019G4HZVBob Bagwell, who has been the manager of the WAFOC and WAFOCC awards and has also been FOC's accounts examiner for many years.
2020G3LIKMick Puttick. A past President in 1995, Mick has also worked in the background providing members with plaques and other supplies as well as adjudicating the Augie Nickel Award.
2021M0PCBIain Kelly has long supported FOC activities and was a past committee member. For many years he organized the annual G4FOC operating rota and activity days..
2023K5KVBenny Owens is the person who created FOC's Bug Day as well as our Quarter QSO Programme and he's kept them both running !
2024SV2BBKTheofanis Mastakas