Condin 2025

Condin 2025

The CONDIN 2025 will take place in the old residence city of Karl the Great and the coronation city of 21 Kings.
911. May 2025, Dinner 10. May 19:00
Novotel Aachen City, Tel. 024151590, email: <>
Double Room 140,00 € Comfort room incl. breakfast
Single Room 115,00 € incl.
Buffet 33,00 €

Please book using the code
FOC. Cancellations are free of charge until 3 May 2025. Later is 90% of the cost is charged.

by train:

from Cologne Airport direct to Aachen,
from Duesseldorf Airport direct to Aachen
from Bruxelles Airport direct to Aachen
from Frankfurt Airport to Cologne with change to Aachen
direct line from Rostock to Aachen

You can expect a lively participation in an interesting city in the border triangle that has shaped Europe.

2024 FOC AGM by ZOOM

Join the FOC AGM by Zoom

1500-1630 UTC (4,.0pm – 5.30pm London)

Resister your interest in joining the FOC AGM and speaker sessions by Zoom. We will send you the Zoom credentials to join the meetings the day before the event.

UK Annual Dinner 2025

This social event is held every year.  It’s FOC’s flag-ship social event and is open to Members and their guests.

This year’s  event is to be held  Saturday, 13th of September 2025 in Edinburgh, Scotland. Details of the venue will be announced soon.

Memorial Day QSO Party

Memorial Day QSO Party (MDQP) is an activity providing participants with an opportunity to honour amateur radio operators who are now Silent Key.

MDQP is being sponsored and managed by FOC and is open to all licensed amateurs: the idea is for each participant to honour a silent key. They might have a special memory to share, along with the callsign and name of one who went before us.

For more information : Memorial Day QSO Party

Florida Weekend

The W4-FOC Dinner has been rescheduled so as not to conflict with the CQWW CW DX Contest.  The 34th W4-FOC Dinner will be held at the Holiday Inn Orlando International Airport November 15 through 17, 2024.  Always a well attended and exciting event with local dining events on Thursday and Friday evenings, FOC and member programs on Saturday, and an outstanding buffet dinner Saturday evening. 

Free hotel parking, a shuttle between the airport and hotel, and daily breakfast for 2 is included in the $131.00 per night plus tax room rate.  Group room rates are available for the period 11/13-11/18 for attendees who wish to arrive earlier and/or depart later.

Call 1-800-465-4329 for reservations.  The FOC Group Code is FC4.  A $100.00 per attendee event fee covers the Saturday dinner and other hotel expenses for the event.
As always, W4FOC will be on the air and available for attendees to operate from the hotel.  Checks covering attendee event fees should be made payable to and sent to Richard Baxter.  
Dick Baxter K5TF
Event Coordinator


FOC Old School Classic 1960s QSO Party

Purpose: To turn the clocks back to what ham radio was like in the 1960s. To the extent possible, re-create the operating practices and gear used by Amateurs before Computers became a staple in most amateur stations, “contest” software was prevalent, and DX Clusters were used for posting callsigns and frequencies of stations on the air anywhere in the world.

Participation: Open to all Licensed Amateurs

Date and Time: Last Saturday in June or first Saturday in July for 24 hours (00:00 to 23:59 UTC). Date adjusted to avoid conflict with ARRL Field Day and RAC Canada Day events.

Mode: CW Only

Call: “CQ OS” or “CQ OSQP”

Suggested CW Speed: 15-30 WPM with 30 WPM Maximum Speed

Bands: 160M, 80M, 40M, 20M, 15M, 10M and 6M Bands only.

Visit event page to read more

East Africa Dinner

Muthaiga Country Club, Nairobi, Kenya


East Africa FOC Dinner 2025 
Friday 21st February, 2025
1800hrs Muthaiga Country Club, Nairobi, Kenya 


Andy, 5Z4VJ is again organising the FOC Dinner and weekend in February in Nairobi.
Several members (from UK, EU and NA) are planning to attend, some combining the visit with a safari, beach holiday or a tour of Nairobi city and its national park.


More details and a three day suggested itinerary are available at:
Some photos from the 2024 Dinner here:


It’s not too late to book!  Please contact Andy, 5Z4VJ if interested.

FOC Breakfast at Deyton Hamvention

Mark your calendars for Sunday, 19th May for the annual FOC Breakfast at Hamvention. This long standing tradition
will again be at the Hope Hotel. The Hope Hotel is located next to Wright Patterson Air Force Base at Gate 12A. The
breakfast meeting will be in the F-86 Sabre Room from 7:30 AM until about 10:30 AM. To make this breakfast
affordable, attendees will need to pick up their breakfast at Packy’s Sports Bar and Grill, which is right next to the F-86
Sabre Room. Those staying at the Hope Hotel should get a breakfast voucher when they check-in and those staying
elsewhere can purchase the breakfast buffet at Packy’s. We are grateful for the assistance of DX Engineering, and
member K3LR, for arranging the Sabre Room at no cost to FOC. FOC will also be sponsoring a coffee and tea station in
the room for members. If you have any questions, contact Dennis at <>

North American CW Weekend 2024

The annual North American CW Weekend is on again this year – June 7- 9.
This is open to any persons
with an interest in CW (Morse Code) radio operation, but in particular
to amateur radio operators with an interest in CW communication – FOC,
CWOPS, SKCC, FISTS, and telegraphers from other communities.

We look forward to seeing our regulars, and hopefully some whose
interest has been piqued by recent improved on-the-air conditions.
Hope to catch up there soon.

FOC Activity Day

Every day should be an FOC activity day, however those of us who don’t get time during the
week can gather and make QSOs during Activity Days. We have also designated one day every
other month as a ‘meeting point’ to encourage members to be active on all bands. If the bands
are busy with a contest, then perhaps try the nearest WARC band, or 60m if available.